ADG Legal partners with Evolving’ women to drive women empowerment
ADG Legal has signed an agreement with Evolvin’ Women, a social enterprise dedicated to the empowerment of women in developing countries and help advance the skill development of women in the private sector.
As a part of the two-year partnership, ADG will assist Evolvin’ Women in promoting their program with the global private sector, with a view to securing work placements and training opportunities in other countries for the Evolvin’ Women participants.
In addition, the ADG will host legal workshops for the Evolvin’ Women team and provide the social enterprise with legal counsel and support when required.
The aim of the partnership is to promote social responsibility in the private sector by involving organizations in solving women’s development and gender inequality issues, as well as to socially and economically empower women under the Evolvin’ Women program through international experience and exposure.
Mohammed Al Dahbashi, Managing Partner, ADG Legal: “We are honored to work with Evolvin’ Women – an organization which is driving social change through strategic collaborations to transform the lives of underserved women. We look forward to playing our part in taking this movement forward and shining a spotlight on the role every company – no matter how big or small – can play in improving societal development by supporting humanitarian causes.”
Vimbai Hungwe, Chief Operating Officer, ADG Legal: “Evolvin’ Women has proved that social responsibility is not mutually exclusive to large corporations, every company can make a difference. The program is giving the private sector an opportunity to make a positive social impact. We are proud to become a part of Evolvin’ Women’s initiative and we will use our network and influence to advance socially aware economic models that empower under privileged women.”
Assia Riccio, Founder, Evolvin’ Women: “We value the support from the private sector as it helps us grow and achieve our aim of elevating the livelihoods of women from developing areas by enabling them to reach their full potential. ADG Legal’s commitment to women empowerment coupled with their strong international and local presence will bring attention to the Evolvin’ Women cause from the global private sector as we look forward to welcoming more organizations in our quest to advancing social responsibility and gender equality.”
For more information about ADG Legal, visit ADG
For more information about Evolvin’ Women, visit Evolvin’ Women