ADG’s Construction Series – Webinar No. 1 “Heading For Dispute?”
Even in the wake of Coronavirus, the traditional causes of dispute have not disappeared; they are as prominent as ever. However, the economy has been severely affected and so has cash flow. Increasingly, parties are looking at getting paid rapidly and clawing back old debts, while avoiding liability for claims themselves. We are also seeing more and more projects heading towards dispute at an earlier stage. This webinar, through the use of practical scenarios, works through the options you have as an Employer, Contractor, Client or Consultant and what you need to know to have the best chance of a successful outcome. We will cover:
- When is the right time to escalate? Being the first to draw may not result in the best outcome in any shootout
- What are your strategic options to ensure the project continues to completion, but your claims or defences are not compromised?
- How should you better secure your position for later determination?
- When is the right time to deploy legal or other consultants and how?
- How do you know when your claim or defence is ready?