How it works
Choose a Document for Notarization
Select the document you wish to notarize.
Choose a Document for Notarization
An ADG Legal notary representative will assess the document to ensure it complies with UAE laws and regulations. You may be contacted for extra documentation or to modify information.
Verification of Identity
An ADG Legal notary representative will contact you to book a convenient time and date for you to verify your eligibility via a call or meeting (i.e a short session or virtual call for you to produce your Emirates ID, or required proof).
Once the document is in processing, we will assist with the e-notary legal requirements.
Congratulations, your document is ready. An electronic copy can be sent ahead which is valid and legal to use. As part of our services, we can translate your document into your required language and send a physical copy to an address of your choosing.

Upload your own document

Draft a Document
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